Get 5 meetings with 5 employers in 5 weeks...

So, you’re applying for jobs online, yet rarely hearing back from the recruiter?

Or maybe you’ve been wanting to explore a new career, yet have no idea how to actually make that happen – so you’ve stayed stuck in a place that no longer serves you?

Now’s the time to take control of your job search and make that dream job/career a reality.

Your mission... should you choose to accept it, is to join the Straight to Shortlist Challenge

Together, we'll take each step to network and get in front of employers you want to work for. So, you can get meetings with 5 employers - in 5 weeks. 

You'll step forward inspired with more confidence, stand out from the crowd, discover new and unadvertised opportunities, and position yourself to land that exciting new job.  

Here's what you'll learn in 5 steps.

PS: Yes, you'll be fully supported!

(Click the arrow at the bottom to see the full list of steps)

  Start Here...
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: You're going to become the star of this show - create your compass
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Light up your LinkedIn profile
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3. Build your target list to find awesome people who'll send opportunities your way.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Creating compelling communication. So you can meet your targets.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Convert meetings into opportunities (Nailing informational interviews)
Available in days
days after you enroll

Who does the Challenge work for?

This is different and better than applying for a job online. You’ll learn a more confidence-boosting way to search for a new role. Your eyes may be open to new possibilities. We’ll challenge your assumptions about the jobs that are available to you. You’ll break down barriers to you finding a great job.

Here's who it works best for:

You’re finding it hard to break through the recruiter barrier – as your background isn’t what they’re looking for

You know you want to make a career change, and have a few ideas, but need more clarity around what you can do

You have a dream company (ies) you’d like to target, but do not know how to go about reaching out to them

You've finished study and want to launch a new career, yet have no idea about how to find that career

You have a CV gap and want to find your dream job

You have no local experience and have been told to network to find a job. But know almost nobody who can help

PSST: You won't be doing this alone.

One of the hardest things about searching for a role, or making any sort of career change is doing it by yourself.

Nobody is treading the same path as you. It can be lonely and frustrating and you can feel like giving up.

There's no way we'd leave you to work through this challenge by yourself.

We're on your side and want you to succeed.

So we're offering regular group coaching via zoom where you can bring any questions you have about the training you're completing, get feedback about your work, and enjoy the support of your own dedicated cheer squad.

Special Introductory Offer

Big Happy Fans

I have just completed the "Straight to Shortlist Challenge" with Karalyn.

It has completely altered my view of networking. It does not need to be scary or awkward, it can be fun and uplifting!

And now that I've got going, I'm starting to feel it snowballing. In a good way!

All the material Karalyn presents make perfect sense and the exercises make you think about who you are and what you want.

But what really blew me away was Karalyn's personal attention to each and every one of us! She went above and beyond my expectations! She reviewed all our communication before it was sent out to see if it could be revised for the better. There is also a long follow up period for everyone to get the hang of who to approach and how.

Thank you Karalyn! What I've learnt will be skills for life. 

- Charlotte Hill, Accountant

I was mainly applying for jobs, on Seek but hardly received any replies even for jobs where I thought I was over overqualified. I was aware I needed to change tactics to gain employment in Australia.

Your service helped me tap into the “hidden” job market by presenting myself in the best possible way on LinkedIn and getting noticed.

Furthermore you showed me how to approach people in key positions such as Engineering Managers and get to actually meet them.

One of these contacts actually referred me to another company which lead to a job offer..  

Approximately 2 months after I contacted you and less than a month after the updated LinkedIn profile was uploaded I saw results.

In the end I was offered two jobs within a couple days, both jobs were not advertised and happened through LinkedIn.

The first job offer I received through a LinkedIn contact who referred me to another company. For the second job offer, my current job, I was contacted on LinkedIn by the General Manager and initially invited to an informal chat which, after some more interviews lead to a job offer.

- Roman Egli, Mechanical Engineer 

Before I met Karalyn and InterviewIQ, I understood the fundamentals in marketing and PR and had aspirations to develop my skills further in communications, though I was struggling to identify the strengths and skills I should present to the market to land the job to propel me forward.

Karalyn helped me define the achievements in my career which resonated with recruiters and Fortune Top 50 companies. Karalyn's personal touch makes the whole process really human. Her objective advice which comes from her experience as an external coach and her background in recruitment, has helped me build my career to a senior level.

Now I find that even when I am not in the market I receive at least 2 contacts per week from recruiters and head hunters, which allows me to network, identify career moves and research the market. Last week alone I received 4 inquiries from recruiters.

- Luke, Senior Communications Strategist, Sydney 

So far, Straight to Shortlisters have met people in these companies....Yes, indeed! 

Treasury Wine Estate EY SBS Coles Protiviti Visy Enzen Qenos Australian Broadcasting Commission National Australia Bank Joval Wines Brainmates Arup Intouch Beaconsfield Cosol Mission Australia Lamson Concepts Air Liquide Bluegum Pharmaceuticals Endeavour College of Natural Health Deloitte Bendigo Bank Pitcher Partners Qantas PwC Havas Media Group Thiga Ericsson KPMG Jacobs Greyhound Racing

+ still counting 

Meet your Challenge Mistress..

Hi my name is Karalyn Brown. For the past 10 + years I have helped hundreds of people from all over the world find exciting new jobs. My clients come from all professions, but have one thing in common – they care about their careers and want to make a difference with the work they do.  

Here's what happened to Straight to Shortlist graduates...

They took control of their own job search and supercharged their success rate by a research proven 10 x following a program proven to tap into the power of referrals

Employers asked them for their CV. They did not need to apply through "official channels and compete with 100's

They got sent position descriptions as jobs were being created, getting a head start on the competition

They discovered new career possibilities and jobs they'd never thought about from talking to experts in their field 

Along the way they met mentors who wanted to help them 

They got insightful feedback for their resumes and LinkedIn profiles accelerating their chances of success 

They were never alone. They had the guidance of an expert coach and support from like minded professionals 

They stood out as resourceful and proactive, making a great impression before they even started their new jobs

People kept reaching out to them to talk about jobs many weeks and months after doing the challenge

They finally said goodbye to their old jobs and found the jobs they truly wanted

Mondays became more like Fundays!

The unique "get 5 meetings in 5 weeks" guarantee!

Here’s how this works.

While we'll absolutely honour Teachable's 30 day money back guarantee, we want to see you succeed, and we know you will if you do the work.

So our promise is this.

If you do the work, come to the zoom meetings, ask questions and act on the guidance you’re given and you do not get 5 meetings in 5 weeks, we’ll give you your money back.

Why this guarantee?

We want people to succeed in this challenge.

We’re confident in the process and proud of the support we give you.

But we only want people who are just as serious as we are to join us – because that means you get the results.